
您现在所在的位置:首页--(三缸带缩口)Y-400型 发电机极爪入轴机
(三缸带缩口)Y-400型 发同步电机组机极爪入轴机

 Y-400 Model Starter Rotor Claw Shaft Pressing Machine





Suitable for automobile generator rotor coil, pole claw and shaft compression molding of special equipment. Mitsubishi PLC program control, color touch screen to modify the parameters, variable displacement piston pump as a driving force, with better energy saving effect. Equipped with pressure measurement sensor and photoelectric switch protection measures, simple operation, easy to use.

技术参数/Technicai Parameters

24v电源电流值Supply voltage AC380V±10% 50Hz
总额定功率Total power 3 kw
公称水压Nominal pressure 400 KN
活动横梁下行速度Downlink speed 26 mm/s
活动横梁回程速度Return speed 46 mm/s
开口高度Opening height 0~550mm

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